Sunday, December 6, 2009

December really.

I am trying not to be greedy this holiday season but so many things look appealing. I am trying to focus my energy into positive things that have to do with people and not objects. I mean it is the season of giving. Oh and a new update about myself. Next year I want to take drama. I am done with attempting to dance so now I am going to attempt to act. Wish me luck. I'll need it.


  1. My years in drama in high school did so much for me. It's a great way to become comfortable with public speaking and to help you think on your feet and be articulate. Plus it's a ton of fun--and not just all about acting; there are ways to be involved with all the "behind the scenes" stuff. Have fun!

  2. Good luck with drama. You may find that your dance experience is helpful in drama and in other areas, even if you are not meant to be a dancer. Regarding Christmas, I believe you can appreciate objects and even enjoy receiving them, while still focusing on people. It makes me happy to do things for others and to give them things they like. Their excitement in receiving my gift is a gift to me. If I feel the recipient is expecting or demanding something, giving to them is not as much fun. What I love is when someone is genuinely surprised and pleased with my gifts.

  3. Well put Tricia. I have to compliment myself if I know a person I have a knack for a good gift. And Anonymous thanks for your feed back new readers/commenter are always appreciated.
