Friday, November 27, 2009

This one's for Tricia.

Hi ok so back to answering Tricia's questions which i should probably do in a comment but I think it deserves a post. OK first order of business first half of 2012. Unfortunately. I came to hear Adam's song but friend failed to inform me she had to be somewhere causing us to have to leave so I will probably go and see it tonight. First half was good. Regarding the AMA's. No I did not watch them. Another unfortunate mistake. However I did youtube Adam's controversial performance containing simulated oral and kissing boys. If he was worried people had forgotten about him well he shouldn't. I think he was right it's late night tv and other artists did risque things. Eminem's repulsive yet entertaining act. Cmon America he's gay and he kissed a boy alright if he was straight and kissed a girl then it would be no big thing. I can't exactly say the same for said simulated oral. I thought it was funny. It made me want to see him live to see how outrageous it could get. I think the act was a calculated career move. He stirs things up blows his name up even bigger people get over it and buy the album and see him for exactly the same reasons I have. So we will see how much is too much for our lovely country but good for you Adam. I wouldn't have it any other way.


  1. I generally don't watch awards shows because I find them pretty boring. The only thing worth tuning in for are the more provocative musical numbers, which contribute the only real excitement to these events (well, unless Kanye West is there). I was looking forward to Adam's performance mostly just to see how he would come across in this type of venue, but I was aware that his act was billed as outrageous. I am on the east coast, with a DVR, so I got to see the uncut version many times over. (Luckily, because the stupid DVR erased it the next day to make room for something else.) I thought it was pretty cool and a bit daring, but fun.

    I was sorry for him that he fell, and mightily impressed at both his recovery and the perfect timing for the lyrics of the song. Other than that, well... I guess I don't shock easily enough because I just don't see what the big deal is. In fact, the longer this "controversy" rages, the more I want to go up to random strangers on the street and shake them hard.

    I am not sure that I agree that this was entirely a calculated career move. I think Adam has an uncanny, innate show business sense. He can do impromptu and off-the-cuff and turn it into gold.

    Although I am sure Adam's CD sales do not need my help, I am considering buying For Your Entertainment for everyone on my Christmas list, because I am so annoyed at all the people who have posted to the internet that they had been planning to buy it but now will not because of the obscene display on the AMAs. In fact, I have already promised Neil (via Twitter) that I will buy at least 12 copies if he will please fix his blog. Now, I care about Adam. Now, I want him to have the biggest career ever. I want him to be on TV and the radio and in everyone's face being who he is - every fucking day! He is so many kinds of genius.

    Have you read "The Adam Lambert Interview That Will Change Your Life", by Michelle Collins?

    My interest in American Idol is not that strong. I don't vote and, while I do have my favorites, I am not that invested in what happens to them after Idol is over. I did like Adam this year and I read a few internet articles about him right after the season ended. It would be better to say that I skimmed them, as I do most internet articles - just scan to get the gist and then move on to something else - unless the opening lines really grab my attention. Well, I found that interview and it DID grab my attention and so I read all of it. THEN, I moved on to something else.

    This week, I revisited that article and was struck by the title. I had completely forgotten what it was named. The weird thing is, that article really did change my life!

  2. Hi. Tricia suggested that I look at your blog.

    I look at American Idol, too, but have never voted.

    It's nice to meet you.
