Thursday, May 27, 2010

are you kidding me

So after my decision to just live with my crush and try not to obsess too much and just watch from afar, He fets moved right next to me. He just had to talk all through english and now he sits next to quiet me. On top of that I was wearing an absolutely disgusting outfit today due to rain and shorts mishap. Lets just set it involved cut off sweats and tennis shoes with no socks.... sexy I know. So with no hope of impressing him today I have to look extra cute tomorrow. Despite what I said I am just going to go full force.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

So basically....

I am trying to get over this guy. Unfortunately I have it bad. I have liked him for the majority of the year and I was honestly starting to get over him. Then we got put into a project group together and it has been downhill from there. I still get butterflies every time I see him and I want him like no other. I indulge myself in thinking about us being together even though I know it probably won't happen. Any tips on how to flirt in a more effective way. The way I see it is if I am never going to stop liking you why torture myself through distance and keep our relationship as only a figment of my overactive imagination.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


So this summer I want to give myself a total makeover. Back to my mission of coming into my own and I am not quite sure how to go about this or fund this either. The object is to make a splash for the second half of my high school career. Any and all ideas are welcome.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Got it. Today. Boo. Yah.