Wednesday, November 11, 2009


so I like multiple people. Nothing ever happened with that one guy it just wasn't meant to be. One is named Adam and there is something about him that just makes him excruciatingly appealing. Quarter report cards came in and i ranked in a a 3.5 which I am mostly happy about. I think penn state would be a good match for me so if anyone knows if that along with an outside ski racing league, lacrosse and an avid member of youth group is enough to get in. Life is pretty swell and wow I just said swell but it is a very good description of things at the moment.


  1. Congratulations on the report card and good luck with Adam. I have been to State College and was on the Penn State campus once, but I am afraid I don't know anything about admissions there. What do you like about Penn State? Most alums LOVE the place (really, it's almost scary!). Glad things are swell at the moment - hope they stay that way!

    Do you like to read other blogs (besides Negative Neil)? I have two friends who write very different blogs that I like to read. One is a woman in her early 50s, with grown children, who has earned her living as an author of children's books (she lives near you). Her blog is very contemplative and tightly constructed. The other is a former co-worker of mine, a guy who just turned 31, is married just over a year, and writes a lot of crazy stuff - more like Neil. Those two, Negative Neil, and your blog are the only ones I read on a regular basis. If you want to check out some different styles, I'll give you the links. My best friend also writes a blog, but it is about Congressional law - I read it from time to time, but can't take it regularly. (Don't tell him that!)

    Hmm, I think my comment is longer than your post!

  2. yes those links would be awesome!!

  3. Gina Willner-Pardo:
    Jason (goes by JewBoy):

