Sunday, July 12, 2009

Emo kids

Who are these emo kids? Why the hell are they so depressed. Personally I find an emo kid quite appealing sans the cutting and hating the world. So I guess that would make them scene. Who's hobbies include thinking hot topic is heaven (or hell) on earth and smoking pot and getting drunk. Ok ok now I am stereo typing which is funny because I am listening to a stereo and typing. Bud dun cha. Yes that was me typing a drum sound. So why do we stereo type... is it really that easy I dont think so. You have to be clever enough to find something an entire group or at least a large portion of it does. So to all the stereo typers in the world there are easier and more amusing hobbies. And to all the emo and scene kids keep your hair long and your skin pasty.

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