Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What should I do?

So my cousin has a totally awesome life. I am quite jealous because i feel I try pretty hard and yet I am still missing something. I need to do something fabulous like now. No I am not trying to beat her at life but I spend my time unproductively and it is not ok. So some unique ideas for hobbies and such would be great. Thanks!!


  1. I'm not sure what to suggest because, from what you've written, you seem to be involved in many activities already, and to have a reasonably busy social life. Maybe what you're "missing" is recognizing the value of the life you already have? I don't think it is very useful to recommend any "hobby" to another person because what you seem to be looking to gain is inspiration and excitement, and I think those are the things that one has to bring TO a hobby to be successful. This is certainly the case with my own hobby, anyway. What do find "awesome" about your cousin's life? If you can identify that, maybe that will give you some ideas.

  2. Perhaps you are a better writer than your cousin is. And, perhaps she looks at you and wishes she could do all the wonderful things that you can do.
