Friday, March 26, 2010


omg guys I just told someone that I like them and I still like a different guy more but he says he likes me back so what should i do? AHH this post makes no sense so I am sorry if you are confused I am just all discombobulated.

1 comment:

  1. My advice (which you won't take, because it's not the way things are "done" in high school) is to continue talking, FB chatting, whatever, with both guys, without committing to a "relationship" with either one. Over time (shouldn't take long, don't worry!) you'll either develop a real relationship with one or the other - or you won't. While you might be able to build long term friendships with both guys, it seems very unlikely to me that you will feel a romantic connection (not just a crush) for both of them as time goes on - and so you will have made your choice based on real feelings, not just physical attraction coupled with hopefulness/desire to have a boyfriend.

    It is more likely - but not a guarantee - that the guy with whom you find you are having more frequent and more honest interactions will be the one you choose.

    In any event, having two guys that you like - at least one of whom likes you back - is what is know as a "high-class" problem. Try not to sweat it too much -- and have fun!
