Thursday, September 3, 2009


in a slump once again. cant think of anything to write. tons of homework. comments would encourage better posts i swear.


  1. I didn't want to interrupt Farmville and your tweeting. I was hoping that school continued to go as well as your first day, though. School, in general, gets a pretty bad rap. Overall, it is not a bad way to spend your time - being out of school and "free" sounds great until you realize most of that free time is spent alone and bored. At school, at least you've got company and the potential to do and learn some interesting things, if you choose to.

    I was wondering what it means to be addicted to Twitter. I tweet a couple of times a day, always to people I don't know but to whom I feel I do have something I'd like to say. I generally don't communicate with anyone I know through Twitter and I don't participate in general comments to the public timeline, such as responding to hashtag games. This is mostly because I just don't have time, because sometimes I think I'd like to. So, mostly, I am just curious as to what you do on Twitter.

    In other news, I got my navel pierced a couple of weeks ago. I mostly love it, but I am wondering how I will ever make it through the entire healing process.

  2. lucky lucky you I want mine done sooooo badly
