Saturday, September 26, 2009


That girl I was supposed to hang out with totally flaked on me. So I spent the football game with my good friend instead. It was kind of dry until we met up with two of my other friends Z and J just using alias for security reason. :) Overall it was a pretty good time however the sleepover tonight failed so I am going to hang out with my cousin tonight and I am excited because we are basically sisters. The game is still on for tomorrow but it will be hot indeed so I am kinda not as jolly as I was at the beginning of the week. Off to my cousin's house.


  1. Interesting that you titled this, "Bust", because it seems to me that events are evening out pretty well. I can't trash the friend who flaked on you before the football game, of course, because I don't know her and I'm sure you have good reasons for the friendship. However, from this distance, all I know is that you consider her not to be such a good influence and she backed out on the plans she had made with you. (2 strikes?) Yet, you got to go to the game anyway and hang out with a group of, it sounds like, better friends. "Overall it was a pretty good time". Now, your sleepover tonight didn't work out, but you get to hang out with your cousin, which you are excited about and, if this is the same cousin from your earlier posts, will likely be a very good time. Your plans for tomorrow, so far, haven't changed. It seems that every time something you planned didn't work out, you came up with an alternate plan as good or better. This is huge success in my book, not a "bust". As long as I get out and get together with fun people, that's a good day.

  2. Interesting point I call it a bust for reasons I won't share on the internet and I call her a "fun friend" someone who is fun to be around but not good for much else.
