Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Back Again

Hello I have just arrived home from a small town in PA whose name I won't mention just in case of internet creepers. I know very likely on my blog. So I have decided that I absolutely love it there and would not mind one bit moving there. My mom thinks this is weird considering I am in the middle of high school and teenagers just aren't supposed to want that. Well mother I guess I am just a different kind of teenager. It has nothing to do with being angsty or having a mid teen crisis or whatever other names you can think of. I enjoy change... alot plus I have a much more stable family over there. Plus all my cousins went to this high school and give it rave reviews. This is all completely opposite of my life in California. I am close to the city but I would rather be close to new york right? The shore is right there and I just don't see a downside. My stepdad just quit his job and is actually looking out there so maybe one of my crazy ideas will actually work. I am now looking at this post and wondering who am I trying to convince? Tricia and all my other anonomous/nonexistent readers or Me? Another dilema in the complicated scheme of life.


  1. So, I'm in the car, traveling through Pennsylvania right now. We started out inVirginia, so entered the state in the Philadelphia area. We passed through Allentown, through the Lehigh Valley, over (and under) the mountains. We are now in the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton regin. We are headed for Syracuse, NY, which we hope to reach 2 1/2 hours from now. It has been VERY cloudy and we have seen no meteor showers (the only potentially high point of this all-night drive).

    I am, of course, wondering what town and what part of PA you visited. I am assuming somewhere between Philadelphia and the Water Gap, along the Jersey border. I went to college on the Main Line and I love that area. I'm from Jersey, so pretty familiar with the eastern portion of PA.

    Woo-hoo - passing Clark's Summit. My friend Charles got married here and I did a reading for the nuptial Mass. (Um, that was a while back.)

    I hope you get the chance to move. If not now, though, Pennsylvania has a college on every corner, it seems. Where do you want to live? (Either the exact area or the type of environment.) What do you want to now? In college? With your life? (could be a career path or could just be a general sense of how you want to spend your time.) All of this just the first draft, subject to ongoing revision.

    Oh, no - more questions!

  2. Doylestown, pa kind of similar to my home town in california except with an east coast feeling. I started talking about what I wanted to do with life in my article about broadcast journalism but I should probably expand thanks for all your input!
