Thursday, May 28, 2009

So today...

So today I was at school. I was trying unsuccessfully to read people. You know that is a talent some have? Well it is. I eat lunch with some supposed friends but I am not sure if they like me. They have taken to my best friend quite well. Good for her. How do I know I'm not the one they keep around to make fun of later? Why am I worried about what they think besides I am trying to reinvent myself into the person whom I really care to be. Oh my... did I just answer my own question?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Romeo and Juliet

So in english we are reading the ove cliche called romeo and juliet. Even worse the ignorant people in my class have to act it out. Not your best idea Mrs. D. I mean no offense but reading a barely english style of writing is already difficult. Add some half wits speaking in monotone stumbling on every other word and I am verbally whipped by the end of class. Plus I am very sure my teacher explains to us every act before we read, as if we don't know the inevitable, is it really necesary to act it out? Just my opinion...

Hannah and Sean

So today I was waiting outside my history class because my teacher was late
as usual. Anyway there was the usual group of s talking amongst themselves about unimportant topics. Well my history class happens to be in C hall next to the special Ed. class. We hear occasional interesting noise once in a while and occasionally I let out a shameful giggle but who doesn't? Well Sean being one of the more popular special ed kids is used to walking into our classroom and making small talk with our teacher no big deal. Hannah a popular was talking in her gossiping circle when Sean approaches.
Sean: "Hi I am Sean what is your name?"
Hannah: (with hesitation) "Hannah..."
Sean: "How are you?"
Hannah: "Good..."
Sean: "What did you eat for breakfast?"
Hannah: "I don't eat breakfast"
Teacher finally comes after long awkward moments
Hannah: "I have to go"
Sean: "I love you baby" and leans in for the kiss
Hannah: "Ew" and backs away
Point of the story: Is our society becoming so corrupted by SEXual images and words that even the socially inept and barely functioning kids can pick up on it? Seems a little odd to me. I am not trying to say Sean is stupid but he has to be kept in a separate classroom all day because the school doesn't know how to treat him. Maybe I have taken this too far I mean my teacher said he is into blonds. I guess this has happened before.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

WOW!! I started a new blog

Hello reader(s),
My name is Lauren and I started a blog just to let people in on the typical life of a high school student. I'm not exactly sure if you'll find me that interesting but I enjoy comments and such kind of like I enjoy dessert. Well I should start off with the fact that I am creating this blog to help me search for an identity. It's crazy the search for one's true self. I feel like I can't find that right group of people for me but hey I am having fun (not really) looking. Maybe it is me possibly too focused on unimportant materialistic things. For example I am focused on my looks way more than I would like to be I always complain that everyone has something I don't. I have decided enough is enough. I have much much more than I need and my true self is actually down to Earth and opinionated which sometimes can get lost in the jungle we call high school. So sit back and enjoy future posts! I will try to write as much as I can.

K bye